Dual-licensed psychotherapist, burnout coach, and behavioral health consultant David Kingsbury delves into the multifaceted ways human psychology impact business decisions.
He wrote “It’s Totally Possible: Achieving the Life of Your Dreams through Accelerated NeuroConversion” to introduce professionals to the techniques he uses that bring about transformation from the midst of frustration and despair.
In today’s segment, he explains psychological concepts that can make or break one’s success in launching, sustaining, or scaling one’s business ventures.
Find out more at https://www.dkkinged.com/ where you can download a free copy of David’s book, access his archive of motivational articles and videos, and contact him directly about developing a strategy to transform your challenges.
Check out this segment on The Time USA here: https://thedailyblaze.com/what-to-do-when-business-stresses-you-out/