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Welcome to our vlogs page! Get ready for a collection of informative and inspiring videos that will empower your personal and professional growth. We cover a range of topics, sharing insights, tips, and success stories. Join us to stay updated and gain a competitive edge.
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Filters purify or disguise, depending on how they’re used. This video discusses four ways the correct use of filters will dramatically improve the quality of your life. Plus you’ll learn the one thing that must never be filtered.
Focus and perseverance are two important keys to accomplishing great things. This video shows how to avoid roadblocks such as procrastination, drift, and excuses. Plus you’ll learn ways to sharpen your existing focus and determination.
Success in personal and business relationships relies on harmonizing with the needs, mood, and intent of the person with whom you are speaking. Fail to do this and it will generate friction, resistance, and dissonance in the relationship. This video explores the E.A.S.I. way to sync your interactions to optimize your chances of success.
Many politicians, celebrities, and professionals have been the victim of their own success. We tend to imagine that, after achieving our goals, life will continue to be a string of endless victories. But what if success is the greatest enemy to our future prosperity? This video explores how to avoid the pitfalls of doing well so you can enjoy its benefits for years to come.
Maybe it’s time to start being thankful for being thankful? Numerous studies bear out the positive effects of gratitude on physical health, mental resilience, and social connection. This video considers how you can boost all three, and more, by cultivating a thankful heart.
Leaders are as unique as the persons they lead. Effective management requires using the right method for the right situation. This video discusses the pros and cons of each management style.
Are you interested in learning how psychological principles help you increase sales or improve business practices? This video describes ways to leverage basic mental processes for lasting success.
Are you ready for that boost? There are times when we all need a hand to elevate us to the next level or to solve that nagging problem. If you didn’t know, professional coaching can change your life. In this video, I explain why.
The mind is no match with the heart in persuasion, said Everett Dirksen. This video breaks down ten simple but highly effective ways of gaining a partner, closing a sale, or motivating the business action you need taken. Get in on these free secrets to success now.