“Nothing makes us more vulnerable than loneliness, except greed,” said Thomas Harris. What an unpopular sentiment in these times, when all the world is a stage and the theatre manager extracts from both actor and audience exorbitant value rather than giving it. But let us pay no mind to the man behind the curtain. Surely, he does not exist and this grand spectacle of lust and envy is merely the product of coincidence or human nature risen to inevitable fruition.
The Dastardly Condition
Perhaps I aim too high, my speculative vaunts highlighting global commerce or humanitarian violations. Let us lower the level of our gaze to the street, to our neighbors…to ourselves. A quiz is in order. We’ll keep it simple. Three quick questions.
Have I ever intentionally taken more than I gave? Would I rather serve or be served? Are there times I placed my wellbeing above that of another? See. Simple questions. I’ll not ask you to reveal your answers. Anyone, truly searching the soul and giving an unencumbered, non-rationalized, honest response to them will immediately recognize the danger. Assuming the conscience has not been seared, that is.
Dare I border upon this heresy in a society, nay a world, which daily builds its towers higher to heaven, which sacrifices its future and its children on the altar of the almighty dollar? Oh, but surely I exaggerate. What real harm does a little self-seeking actually do? What is the wrong in giving people what they want even if it destroys them? If I didn’t create the addiction and, instead, only feed it, there is no way I can bear any blame. Our collective conscience is clear, right?
Looking Inward
You might be wondering where I’m going with all this. Well, I’m not chomping at the bit to denounce capitalism or corporate profits, or even ambitious entrepreneurial hustling. Indeed, these can all be very good things, springing from a beneficial desire to serve, and contributing to the social prosperity of all. Or they can overthrow sensibility and turn moral men into thieves, companies into ravagers, and nations into tyrannies.
But, again, we’re getting too lofty. Those things are simply the product of warped individual inclinations aligned collectively and multiplied by time. Our goal is to focus in on ourselves. Are we driven by greed? That’s an ugly word, though. Let’s say it another way. Are we inwardly servants or masters? I mean, of course, do our attitudes reflect a desire to better those around us or to first better ourselves and our kin?
It’s an interesting thing to ponder. Some might call it human nature. We rally our perpetual efforts in support of personal survival, growth, and reproduction. We long to long, we desire to desire, we lust for lust. Is not Facebook the extension of our ego, Instagram the mirror of our pride? Granted, for some but perhaps but not all. At least, that’s not the intention.
But who announces their failures, their surrender, their sacrifice? If such a display does occur, too often, the underlying motive is often praise or attention, thus corrupting the very act. The dreaded humble-brag appears but it is never clothed in our deepest, darkest, most painful moments. No, we promote the glittering and consume the glory.
Made to Last
When everything we consume is made disposable, how then do we view our commitments and relationships? Yoko Ono once said, “This society is driven by neurotic speed and force accelerated by [the] greed and frustration of not being able to live up to the image of men and woman we have created for ourselves; the image has nothing to do with the reality of people.” And here I am, a businessman speaking to professionals about their careers.
The hypocrisy! Yes, I accept it. I’ll own it. But I don’t have to like it, and neither do you. It is no sin to be financially profitable. But when our success comes at the expense of others, when our good fortune becomes the idol we serve, then we have been ensnared and trapped by a deadly foe. So, how do we fight it, how do we find freedom?
Liberty for All
Give it away. Have you a gift, a value to share, a blessing to provide those around you? Give it away. I’m not saying to sell all your possessions, take a vow of poverty, and sleep in the street. That would just be silly and serve only to deprive others of your unique endowment. The laborer is worthy of his hire. But use your acquisition, your affluence, your influence, to help those who lack. Give it away. The rising tide raises all ships.
It has been said that the higher one goes in leadership, the greater one’s responsibility becomes and the lesser one’s rights. True leaders sacrifice. True leaders serve. True leaders provide. Give it away. In a world filled with the polarization of victim and oppressor mentalities, choose to be neither. There is a higher road.
Is there a way for you to channel your success into the broken and the lost, to reignite the dying flames and to restore the wounded hearts? This could be with money, yes. But also with time, compassion, endurance, loyalty, peace, goodness, gentleness, joy, discipline, faith, humility, mercy, patience, love, and so much more. Give it away.
As society races to the top, it’s important to remember that, for real and lasting success, we must go lower to go higher. It is in the surrender that we find purpose, in the service that we find contentment, and in the sacrifice that we find hope. Maybe your soul is tired today, rich but restless, popular but empty, crushing it but crushed. You’re invited to find rest, friend. Give it away.
Until next time, don’t just be transformed: be Kinged.
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