I’ll See it When I Believe It

Isn’t it interesting that when we doubt something, when we believe something is impossible, particularly regarding our own capabilities, that we find a way to prove ourselves right? Of course, the opposite can be equally true. There’s actually a process to how this magic occurs.

You’ve probably heard the expression, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” That’s a common refrain, one that expresses doubt regarding something that may seem farfetched or difficult. Picture a manager entering the sales room and saying, “We’re going to blow away our target this quarter and open a new store.” In the midst of a sales slump or down economy, or perhaps in the face of the fact that the sales team seldom exceeds their goals, this comment may be laughable.

Or consider a friend that is overweight and lazy saying, “Next year, I’m going to finish a marathon.” A natural response is likely, “Yeah right, I’ll believe it when I see it,” though you would probably never say this to their face. However, when we begin to take this mindset toward others a funny thing happens, we also subconsciously begin to apply it to ourselves.

The Danger of a Disbelieving Mindset

Isn’t it interesting that when we doubt something, when we believe something is impossible, particularly regarding our own capabilities, that we find a way to prove ourselves right? In counseling, this is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Here’s an example: You get up in the morning and stub your toe on the bed post. When this happens, after the throbbing and yelling stops, you say “This is going to be a bad day.”

Then, a strange thing occurs. Your mind begins to filter the events of your day in favor of your beliefs. You tend to ignore or minimize the good things that happen and instead focus intently on everything bad that confirms your initial statement. You fulfill your own prophecy and, however inadvertently, find a way to make sure your day ends as a bad one.

If you apply this principle of skepticism and negativity toward your personal growth or your business success, you’re in big trouble. It’s a kind of hidden self-sabotage, a belief system that ensures defeat. When caught within this trap and thinking “I’ll believe it when I see it” regarding accomplishments and victories, the simple fact is that you’re right, you will likely never see them.  

All Things Begin with a Belief

Think back over your life and professional endeavors. What are some major things you have accomplished? Maybe it was finding that someone special, finishing a degree, developing your beach body, starting a business, or getting a raise. Did they not begin with a belief in an idea? I bet they did. At some point, you either had to say, or believed the statement of someone else that said, these things were possible.

You had an idea that you truly believed. Things like: “I’m lovable and can find someone that wants to share their life with me,” “I think I have what it takes to get an education,” “I’m serious enough about my health and appearance to endure the pain of working out,” “I think the product/service I offer is something worth bringing to market,” or “I’m a dang good worker and deserve that raise.” What did you do then? You made it happen.

First You Imagine It

There’s actually a process to how this magic occurs. First, you imagine it. When you don’t have a spouse, a job, an education, a company, you have to begin with “Hmmm…what if?” Think about it not with doubt and skepticism, but with belief and optimism. Envision what it would be like. See the concept in your mind. Picture the thrill of success and the payoff of grasping the rewards it produces.

Then you Speak It

Inevitably, if you do this for long enough, the belief won’t just stay in your mind. You’ll begin to speak it. You’ll start talking to people, maybe just to friends and family at first, but then to a larger and expanding network of persons. “You know,” you’ll say, “I’ve been thinking about dating again.” “I’m considering going back to school.” “I have a cool idea for a product I think a lot of people would love to buy.”

As you talk, you get feedback. Some good, some bad. Some will encourage your idea and ambitions, many will not. But you’ve begun to talk, to declare your faith into the universe, thereby planting seeds for your future.”

Then you Act on It

Many people stop here. All they do is talk, talk, talk and never take any tangible actions. We all know the types. The reality is, in this case, that those people really don’t believe their idea is possible, or else they’re not willing to put in the work and effort required to make it happen.

But if you really believe it, and if you’re willing to do it, then you’ll begin working out details as you speak your dream. You’ll begin gathering information. You’ll identify roadblocks and ways to get around them. You’ll start to garner resources and support. You’ll develop an action plan and work out the steps necessary to accomplish each goal.

Then it Appears

Lastly, you’ll start carrying out the steps of your action plan. It will seem natural, almost instinctual since you’ve nourished the faith in your vision for so long. You’ll begin seizing opportunities. You’ll clear your schedule and create time. You’ll refine your budget. You’ll contact the admissions office or human resources. You’ll get your hair done and hit the dating scene. You’ll reach out to manufacturers that can produce your product in order to develop your revenue and expense projections.

And, you’ll keep going. Step by step. Piece by piece. Imagining, Speaking, Doing…until, suddenly, it appears. The process is often missed because we think it is too simple or else we crush the possibility with our doubt. This doesn’t have to be the case, though.

I recall thinking several years ago that I would like to have a nice back deck as part of my home. At first, it was just a vague idea. But every time I set foot outside, I could see myself standing on it. I pictured the boards, the color, the sound of the rain on the metal roof above. Then I began seeing the invisible boundaries, marking out the design aspects in my mind.

I started saying to my wife, “You know, we should build a deck out back.” I described it and talked about it until, eventually, she became interested in the idea. Next, I began identifying project costs, pricing lumber, sourcing assistance. And guess what?

Just a moment ago I enjoyed sipping a hot cup of coffee while sitting on this deck listening to the rain patter on the roof overhead. I’ll see it when I believe it…and you will too.

Until next time, don’t just be transformed: be Kinged.

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